  1. Bird Of Beauty

From the recording Around The World In A Groove

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Si mon says that now your mind de sires va ca tion
Free to join in fun plenty re cre a tion
there a waits you a tic ket at have good time sta tion
cause what is gon na stay, til fath er time de cides to change

Si mon says that your mind is re quest ing a new fur lough
let it find an swers to things that you've always want to know
there's a tour of man y plac es you've want ed to go
and to me that sure sounds best cause it means hap pi ness for you

There is so much in life for you to feel
un found in white red or yel low pills
a mind ex cur sion can be such a thrill
you please sa tis fy
take a chance and ride
the bird of beau ty of the sky

Tudo bem voce deve descansar a sua mente
Nao faz mal o qu vai acontecer daqui pra fente
Vai cantar alegri
Voce coracao assim, tao feliz ja vai cantar carnaval

There is so much in life for you to feel
un found in white red or yel low pills
a mind ex cur sion can be such a thrill
you please sa tis fy
take a chance and ride
the bird of beau ty of the sky